Forbidden Technologies

By Richard Mason

EPIC: FBT – By Camkite


From trading at all time highs of £1.44 back during the Tech boom days FBT has been in a fairly steady decline with some peaks and troughs in between ever since. The company has made big advances over recent times reaching out to a new target audience yet the market barely noticed.


Having listed in 2000 FBT lived its first half of life through the dot com boom years, where just about everything listed even remotely tech or dev related was trading at PE’s of 100 + of course, as with many companies around through this era once the bubble burst so did the share price, however the potential remains.


The company currently have 3 projects Forscene – a cloud based post video production software, Captivate – An online video editing software and the newest addition eva The world’s only and first Video Social network.


Launched in July 2015 within a handful of countries eva has been available from the App store for little over 4 months…


The product is quite simple and self explanatory, a video social network.  Where Twitter, Facebook and Instagram rule the Text and picture market, eva is hoping to be integrated into the scene for anyone who likes to add a little motion into their news feed & updates.


From a personal point of view I think the product has a lot of potential, mainly because there is a lack of competition unlike the Audioboom’s of this world eva has not entered into an already saturated marketplace, the company have in little over 18 months designed, built, tested and now launched an app which is trying to get its foot on the ladder of social success. FBT has a tiny market cap a little over £7m so should the company see the remotest sniff of succeeding it’s easy to see there is oodles of upside for the investor and traders can come from.


With around £2.5m in the bank and aligned with the company reducing its overheads, increasing its margins there is no reason to be concerned from a cash flow perspective, as far as I am concerned, both the chart and recent updates are hinting at the company only moving up from here. 70% of the company’s held off the market 47% of which is held by the CEO, should eva succeed in its mission or indeed being bought out by a tech major it will be impossible to grab even the smallest of positions. The share price lingers at all time lows i’d say there’s a real buy case from my analysis of news / deal flow alike.


From an investor’s point of view it is worth noting and remembering, tech companies are valued on potential, as an example, wattsapp sold for $14 billion having never made a profit, given there is no competition, eva have just entered into one of the biggest online marketplaces in existence I really feel the current valuation is unfair compared to any of its peers and it seems there is novalue priced into the companies potential.


I recommend taking a little closer look at the company, download the app, give it a ago or possibly take a steady entry into the story ahead of a development that may or may not happen..

Forbidden Tech – Buy.


This article does not provide any financial advice and is not a recommendation to deal in any securities or product. Investments may fall in value and an investor may lose some or all of their investment. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.

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