What are your questions about Beaufort’s administration?

By Patricia Miller

Yesterday we wrote about the vote taking place at Beaufort Securities client and creditors’ meeting on 10th may. A creditors’ committee will be formed at the meeting and retail clients have the opportunity to ensure they are constructively represented.

We know of two suitable clients well known amongst retail investors who are putting themselves forward as candidates for the committee – they are David Kipling, and Value Generation Limited (directed by Paul Johnson). 

Submit Your Questions

If elected, they will be in a position to ask the questions you want answering, and both Paul and David have said they are willing to receive questions from clients collated by ValueTheMarkets.

We believe it will be more effective for a set of logical and cohesive questions to be put to PWC collectively.

If you are a client and have any questions you would like answered by PwC, please email them to: [email protected] and we will pass them on to Paul and David.

Voting Reminder

In the event more than three clients put themselves forward for the committee, there will be a vote at the meeting. If you can’t attend and wish to vote for DAVID KIPLING, VALUE GENERATION LIMITED, you can do so by returning –> this form before 12 noon 9th May 2018.

You can also give the David Kipling or Value Generation Limited the opportunity to vote on issues raised at the meeting by making them your proxy.

It’s simple to fill out the form (example below) and it can be returned to: [email protected]; or Beaufort, 63 St. Mary Axe, London, EC3A 8AA

If you wish to go to the meeting the same form should be sent notifying your intention to attend.

Author: Stuart Langelaan


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